Colors & Shapes in German

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Die Farbe means Colors & Shapes in German, mostly used as adjectives, for example: a red ball, a blue sky, and so on. But adjectives such as colors, are often also have nominal forms or are combined with other words to form new nouns and even verbs. The colors and shapes vocabularies are tested in the Goethe A1 exam. (Also read: Geothe Zertifikat German A1 exam)

Colors in German nouns

Let’s look at how die Farbe (colors) are used as nouns, and the German colors are all neuter (das)

Examples of how German colors can be used in the noun forms.

  • Das Braun steht dir nicht.
  • Brown doesn’t look good on you.

Shapes in German

Here are basic geometric Shapes in German. The German shapes are relatively easier to remember than those of English.


  • Welche Form hat ein Teller?
  • Kreis

Colors and Shapes in German as adjectives

When Colors and Shapes in German begin with a lowercase, they function as adjectives (Note: All nouns in German begin with an uppercase).

The colors as adjectives decline, meaning they must agree with the gender, number of the noun.


  • ein roter Pullover
  • einen roten Pullover

German Colors with prefixes

Colors in German can be modified by two important prefixes: dunkel- (dark) and hell- (bright, light):

  • dunkelblau (dark blue)
  • dunkelbraun (dark brown)
  • hellblau (bright blue)
  • hellgelb (bright yellow)

Check out German Numbers Pronunciation.

Colors & Shapes in German

In German, colors and shapes play a fundamental role in everyday language and communication. Here’s an overview of colors and shapes in German:

Colors (Farben):

  1. Rot (Red): Use “rot” to describe the color red. For example, “Die rote Blume” means “The red flower.”
  2. Blau (Blue): “Blau” is the term for blue. You might say, “Der blau Himmel” for “The blue sky.”
  3. Gelb (Yellow): Yellow is referred to as “gelb.” An example is “Die gelbe Ente” for “The yellow duck.”
  4. Grün (Green): “Grün” is used for green. “Das grüne Gras” translates to “The green grass.”
  5. Schwarz (Black): Black is “schwarz.” “Die schwarze Katze” means “The black cat.”
  6. Weiß (White): Use “weiß” for white. “Das weiße Haus” is “The white house.”
  7. Orange (Orange): The color orange is also “orange” in German. For instance, “Die orange Kugel” means “The orange ball.”
  8. Braun (Brown): “Braun” is brown. You can say, “Der braune Hund” for “The brown dog.”
  9. Lila (Purple): Purple is “lila.” An example is “Die lila Blume” for “The purple flower.”

Shapes (Formen):

  1. Kreis (Circle): “Kreis” is the term for a circle. For example, “Der rote Kreis” means “The red circle.”
  2. Quadrat (Square): “Quadrat” refers to a square. “Das grüne Quadrat” translates to “The green square.”
  3. Rechteck (Rectangle): A rectangle is called “Rechteck.” “Das blaue Rechteck” means “The blue rectangle.”
  4. Dreieck (Triangle): “Dreieck” is used for a triangle. You might say, “Das gelbe Dreieck” for “The yellow triangle.”
  5. Oval (Oval): Oval is also “Oval” in German. An example is “Das braune Oval” for “The brown oval.”
  6. Stern (Star): “Stern” is the term for a star. “Der weiße Stern” means “The white star.”
  7. Herz (Heart): A heart is called “Herz.” For instance, “Das rote Herz” translates to “The red heart.”
  8. Würfel (Cube): “Würfel” is used for a cube. “Der orange Würfel” means “The orange cube.”

Learning colors and shapes in German not only enhances your language skills but also adds a creative and descriptive aspect to your daily conversations.

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