Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


ich liebe dich” is the most common way to say i love you in German language

Ich liebe dich

It is used in the following situations, – If you feel a feeling of love for a girl or a young man, and not just a hobby. – Ich liebe dich is used between spouses (modern families) or lovers. – The degree of feeling must be very high.

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


“HBD” is almost mean the same as that of the most common German expression of love – “Ich liebe dich.”

Ich hab dich lieb (HBD)

Such expressions are often used in the following situations: – Between children in the family – Boyfriends and girlfriend – Young people write abbreviated by email and SMS.

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


"Ich mag dich" (translation - "I love you", "I like you") is used by young people like "mögen" (to love, to feel affection) in relation to anyone and anything.  The intensity of feelings here is much less than that of the verb "lieben".

Ich mag dich

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


– Ich verehre dich  → I adore you – Ich bin verrückt nach dir → I'm crazy about you. – Du bist mein Schatz  → You are my treasure.

Other ways to say I Love You in German

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


– Du bist alles für mich  → You are everything to me – Du bist der Mann / die Frau in meinem Leben!  → You are the man/woman of my life!

Other ways to say I Love You in German

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


1 - ich liebe dich  (strongest degree of intensity) 2 - hab dich lieb 3 - ich mag dich sehr

Degree of intensity

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


4- ich mag dich 5 - ich hab dich gern

Degree of intensity

Pink Blob
Thick Brush Stroke


“Ich habe dich lieb” is commonly used among family members.  Saying it to mere friends or acquaintances would be inappropriate usually.

hab dich lieb

Thick Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

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