Various Japanese Language Test 

Is Japan's allure for studies or employment getting your attention? 

Enhance your prospects and CV by achieving impressive scores in Japanese language proficiency tests.

The JLPT is the gold standard in Japanese language proficiency assessment. It's recognized worldwide and categorized into five levels, from N5 (beginner) to N1 (advanced). 

Mastering Japanese Language Proficiency Tests 

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) 

The Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) jointly organize the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

The EJU Test is essential and recommended by around 800 universities. It evaluates your language and academic proficiency, though subjects vary based on the desired course.

Examination for Japanese University (EJU) 

It's accepted by esteemed companies, universities, and educational institutions as evidence of Japanese proficiency, even influencing scholarship decisions. 

The Test of Practical Japanese (J-Test) 

Circled Dot

Japanese Language NAT-TEST is a prominent assessment similar to JLPT, held six times yearly. It's valuable for JLPT preparation and self-assessment.

Japanese Language NAT-Test 

This Japanese Proficiency Test is designed to assess practical Japanese language skills necessary for business contexts. 

Business Japanese Proficiency Test (BJT) 

J-CAT is conducted online to assess Japanese language proficiency remotely. It adapts questions according to performance, evaluating grammar, listening, reading, and vocabulary.

Japanese Computerized Adaptive Test (J-CAT) 

Exploring the TOP Japanese Test (TOPJ) 

The TOP Japanese Language Test is a notable assessment held six times annually across eight countries and various regions.

Endorsed by Japan's Ministry of Justice, the Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT) comprises 100 listening and 100 reading comprehension questions.

Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT) 

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